Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Learn Mandarin online - Jokes can't mask disagreements between Rice, Lavrov

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Jokes can't mask disagreements between Rice, Lavrov

Updated: 2007-05-31 14:09

POTSDAM, Germany - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice passed a note
to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a news conference, and
the two diplomats shared smiles and nods as he read what she had written.

Participants attend a news conference after a meeting of the
"Nahost-Quartetts" (Middle East Quartet) in Berlin May 30, 2007. [Reuters]

The familiarity - they offhandedly call each other Condi and Sergey - is
one part of a complex relationship between the senior diplomats for two
nations that are increasingly at odds.

Nicknames and jokes could not mask the disagreements between Rice and
Lavrov at a pair of international meetings in Germany. They traded
complaints and veiled warnings in public and had vigorous discussions in

"I hope Sergey is right; I hope we have taken care of the North Korean
nuclear threat," Rice said with an edge of irritation in her voice during
a public exchange over a planned US missile defense shield against
threats from North Korea and other nations.

"I think it's a little early to declare victory on that one," Rice said.

Russia does not like the United States arranging missiles and
interceptors practically at its doorstep in Eastern Europe, no matter how
many times US officials say the system is not aimed at Russia.

Rice sounded exasperated at the dispute, which has escalated in recent
months as US-Russian relations soured on several fronts.

To make her point that the system is intended to guard against rogue
threats beyond Russia, Rice noted that Russia itself has claimed that its
nuclear missiles could "overwhelm, penetrate, destroy any shield that we
might build."

"We quite agree," she said.

Lavrov was not about to let her have the last word.

"I hope that nobody has to actually prove that Condi is right about
that," he said darkly.

Rice and Lavrov have known one another for years, talk often and usually
seem to enjoy their public appearances. Rice has said she admires Lavrov,
and compliments his English as better than her Russian. She also lets it
be known, however, that she does not back down during their closed-door

Lavrov can be by turns courtly and condescending. His tone on Wednesday
was more threatening, as when the two sparred over the future status of
Kosovo at the same press conference.

Asked if Russia would consider using its right to veto on the UN Security
Council, Lavrov replied: "I hope that this won't be necessary and that
our partners will understand our arguments."

The direct language was riveting in a setting where bland, prearranged
statements are the norm, and Rice apparently wanted to lower the

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