Saturday, May 10, 2008

Chinese language - No pollution occurs in Songhua River

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No pollution occurs in Songhua River 2006-05-07 16:06:04

(Source: Xinhua)

Polluted water in Songhua River reaches Harbin, the capital of
northeastern Heilongjiang province November 24, 2005. [Reuters]

May 7 - The benzene-related pollutants in northeast China's Songhua and
Heilong rivers remain at a safe level during the spring thaw period,
China's State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) said
"The water quality in the Songhua and Heilong rivers is steady and no
pollution has occurred," read a statement from the SEPA.
The thaw period had finished, but the benzene, nitrobenzene and aniline
contents in the two rivers did not exceed the national standards of both
China and Russia, said the SEPA.
The Songhua River, a tributary of the Heilong River which is also called
Amur River in Russia, was heavily polluted last year after a chemical
plant explosion upstream on November 13, causing some 100 tons of
benzene-related pollutants to spill into the river and endangering the
water supply for millions of residents along the river.
Since then, Chinese environmental protection departments have been
closely monitoring the changes of water quality in the two rivers. China
and Russia have also conducted several joint monitoring exercises.
From March 4 to 22, the two sides took samples of water, ice and silt
from the different sections of Songhua River and found benzene-related
pollutants did not exceed the national standards of China and Russia,
according to the statement.
"At present, China and Russia are discussing how to enhance environmental
protection along the rivers bordering the two countries," said the

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