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Learn Mandarin online - Confucius descendants expected to exceed 3 mln

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Confucius descendants expected to exceed 3 mln 2006-07-06 15:34:57

Chinanews, Jinan, July 6 �C The Confucius Family Tree Book Revision
Association recently received more than 1.2 million registration forms
from around the world. President of the association Kong Deyong said
after they had collected all the registration forms, they would arrange,
confirm and edit all the information. The revised Confucius pedigree is
expected to be published in 2009. By then, a map about the distribution
of all Confucius descendants will also come out.
The Confucius (Kong Zi) family has lasted for 83 generations, or 2,500
years by now. Most of the Confucius family descendants live in Qufu,
Shandong Province, and some live in other provinces in China or abroad.
The total number of the Confucius family descendants is expected to
exceed 3 million.
Kong Deyong told hat information solicitation work started in March, 1999
and ended on December 31, 2005. So far, they have received 1.2 million
registration forms. This, when added with the 560,000 descendants filed
in the family tree book written during the period of the Republic of
China, brings the total number of Confucius descendants to 1.8 million or
more. ��Ours will surely become the largest family in the world,�� said
A company recently contacted Kong Deyong saying that they were willing to
pay for a DNA test for the revision work. However, the offer was refused
by the association. Kong said that since the number of descendants is
huge, it was impractical to apply a DNA test to each and every one of
them. Besides, in the Confucius family, it is quite common for one branch
family to adopt the child of another branch. From the blood relations
point of view, they may no longer have close blood relations with each
other. However, in the pedigree book, they are all included as the real
descendants of the Confucius family. In this circumstance, DNA test will
become meaningless.

          ��DNA test to identify Confucius descendants
          ��China to publish standard portrait of confucius

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