Monday, May 19, 2008

Chinese Lesson - Children's Day celebrated

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Children's Day celebrated 2006-06-01 09:43:48

Students from Jinfan (golden sail) chorus of Beijing Chun Kwan Village
Number 3 Primary School were singing a song titled "we are happy" on May
29. On that day, the All China Women's Federation and the Women's
Federation of Beijing jointly held the event featuring "be qualified
parents and cultivate qualified talents" for the Children's Day in the
Wanliu branch of the Number 3 Primary School located in Beijing's Haidian

Photo shows Kids in the 2nd oil extraction kindergarten of Zhongyuan
Oilfield in Henan's Puyang City were dancing for the upcoming Children's
Day. This kindergarten has arranged singing and dancing galas for
children to celebrate the Children's Day that falls on June 1.

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